Ponder long, deep and hard why our country is in such a mess.
We have growing NCD’s, poverty, corruption, bribery, drugs, garbage, nepotism problem, and so on.
Have you ever thought that one of the contributing factors could be people in positions of power hanging on to the same jobs for long periods of time?
Why not increase the term of the Parliament from the current four years to five years, and compulsorily limit the positions of Prime Minister, Attorney-General, Director of Public Prosecutions, COMPOL, Commander of RFMF, the President of Fiji, Chief Justice and the Auditor General to no more than the term of one Parliament?
Regular rotations will ensure that the time to play monkey will be shortened and younger people will have the opportunity to aspire to contribute and lead the country.
Time is changing fast, and the time of the foxes and owls is coming to an end.
New Zealand, France, the United Kingdom, North Korea and many other States already have young leaders.
Cause the change for the better.
Feedback: letters@fijisun.com.fj