The Thomson St bridge over the Nubukalou creek in Suva is one of the vital connectivity for water, telecom, electricity, and other articulation points in the city.
These infrastructure runs on the side of the bridge, supported by metal brackets to hold the conduits.
I believe due to poor maintenance on the structure, the conduits have lost its support and is in a sagging position, and about a foot high from the water.
The sagging pipes is a hazard for fibreglass boats that frequent the spot and are berthed next to it.
There is an electrocution risk where the wires that are exposed or damaged may carry electrical current.
If no immediate correction action is taken it may deteriorate further due to the weather exposure.
This time of the year, the creek is a favourite spot for fishing, and some people use the sagging pipes to fish from.
Apart from the safety risk it gives a poor image to the city, and we, on average, receive a cruise ship per week.
The municipality must take action to rectify the situation to prevent an adverse situation.