Wow! My personal and heartiest congratulations, together with the many thousands of “silent voices,” must go to the Fijian Competition and Consumer Commission for declining a proposal by Energy Fiji Limited for an electricity tariff increase.
I will stand corrected.
EFL, after recording a challenging year in 2022, this monopoly posted a handsome after tax profit of no less than FJ$58.l million in 2023.
In spite of this extremely healthy and buoyant turnaround, EFL still saw it fit to seek a tariff increase.
This was plain and simple a heartless proposal – lacking national pride and respect.
More than 50 per cent of our people are struggling to put wholesome three meals on their plates each day.
For thousands, their staple diet is three-minute noodles; bread and canned tuna.
Better believe it.
I salute FCCC for their bold decision, in the national interest, to decline EFL’s proposal for a tariff increase.
Thank you, FCCC – congratulations for a job well done. We applaud you, emphatically.