Channel: Letters – Fiji Sun
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Letters To The Editor, 28th, April, 2016


Different prices  Epi Satavu, Waila

I used to buy a strip of diclofenac tablet (100g) for $1 elsewere but at Nausori Pharmacy its $1.10. Why the difference? I don’t know! …


Scouts and girl guides in schools

Susana Tuisawau, Suva

I thank Ritesh Prasad for all the information in his letter regarding the scouting movement in schools and fully endorse the sentiments expressed. May I thank and congratulate the Ministry of Education and especially the honourable Minister, for eventually seeing the value of the scouting movement to mainstream it back into the school programme.

For years the teachers of Fiji had been strongly advocating for the due recognition and strengthening of these valuable extra-curricular activities such as Scouting and Girl Guides in the schools. The reason for their being re-introduced being that they contribute to character building and valuable life skills which the academic subjects are unable to fulfill.

May I add that there were other extremely valuable extra-curricular activities which some schools-especially secondary schools, used to offer that students greatly enjoyed and which achieved outstanding results. These were :  The Duke of Edinburgh  Scheme; Rangers; Clubs e.g. Young Farmers Club, Music/Choral Club; Arts Club; Science Club to name only a few.

What had happened was that attention had somewhat been diverted away from these very valuable, character building extra -curricular activities for various reasons.

Some reasons given were because of OHS; teachers’ workload and the overemphasis on academic excellence.

However, what some of us had noticed with great concern has been the replacement of these valuable extra-curricular activities with military cadetship in secondary schools.

This is the militarisation of civilian society which is a concern as it runs contrary to the principles of a democracy and the promotion of a democratic society.

Indeed, it would distract attention and much needed time in the schools’ program to support the ministry’s initiative to build up the positive civilian movements in the schools such as Scouting  and  Girl Guides; etc.

I salute you Scouts and Girl Guides and wish you a much brighter future in the schools!


True to life visit to North

Joji. O Toronibau, Tunuloa

While skimming across the dailies and watching the television footages of the recent visit in the North by the PM, I was convinced that we the earthlings of this little stretch infrastructure will soon be enjoying the same road transport utilities as enjoyed by almost everone in Fiji.

This is espescially the Natewa Bay side of Tunuloa from Wailevu Primary School to link up to the Napuka Catholic Mission Secondary Government road. For too long school children had to walk, wade and steaming across the seas for education, sick senior citizens to health clinics plus economic trading activities are quite difficult to face each day.We deservedly want Police presence as well on wheels at times to lessen illegal activities.


If only

Narayan Reddy, Lautoka

Good to see our Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimarama and the Leader of the Opposition Ro Teimumu Kepa talking when the PM was handed the cheque from the Opposition MP’s contribution towards the PM’s relief and rehabilitation fund.

I am of the view that IF ONLY these two can work together, Fiji will be renamed as “Fiji the way the world should be”!


Valuable document

Arien Kumar, Nadi

It’s not only birth certificates, passports or TIN letters are important and valuable documents that one should keep safe at all times.

Safe keeping of “Exam Result Transcripts” (external exams) is also very important as this is more valuable than any other documents in our lives because this document (exam results transcript) come a day will be the decider of one’s future.

Parents, teachers, schools and especially the students, if we all can treat exams (either internal or external) with very high importance and priority  then we also should treat the safe keeping of external exam result transcripts with high or even higher importance and priority.

It’s often seen that students forget to collect their results from the school after exams and are least bothered about it till the very day they are scheduled to attend a job interview. This would be the day they start calling the schools, teachers, ministry and exams office.

A lesson well learned for some who came for the interview during the Recruitments of Fiji Police Force at Lautoka, Monday, April 25. The majority of the  turnout for the interview didn’t have their exam result transcripts and had to taste the last minute rush at the education office and exams office for their transcripts.

However, this last minute rush could have been easily avoided if only they had kept their result transcripts safely.

Not forgetting to thank the Lautoka Education Office and especially the Examinations Office for facilitating the last minute requests and assisting the needy ones who may have awakened the very last minute. I would like to make a humble request to parents at large to ensure that their child’s result transcripts are safely kept throughout and to the Schools if they can keep any uncollected results up to five years or more.

Also all the best to those who came for the selection into the Fiji Police Force.




Road accidents

Tomasi Boginiso, Nasinu

In the past week we have been having road accidents on a daily basis and has any in the relevant authorities thought of anything to counter these mishaps. The worst is the Samabula fall with the driver still at large.

Have drivers obtained  their licences by  providing themselves or have they passed the tests in flying colours or have they taken shortcuts, favouritism or bribery? Someone needs to have all these checked.

The Police should also have roadblocks or checks in the weekend to check these drunk drivers who seem to rule the road at the wee hours of the morning. The cameras, are they working? Have they so far had any results or anyone being punished through what they are seeing?

And lastly the number of car rentals around has increased quite dramatically and are these  to standard or whether they are just doing business for the sake of money. Recent road fatalities have  been involving rental cars. I hope something concrete is done to stop these kinds of accidents from continuing.



Ben’s ‘best bet’

Amenatave Yaconisau, Delainavesi

This is not a misgiving critique or a fault -finding trip but who are Ben’s ‘best bet’ if fatigue is the only explanation after playing hard games  one after another .

I agree entirely with Peni Veidreyaki that they lack the killer instinct  and allowed  the Kenyans to dominate  all facets of play.

The great Kenyans who have played us  for years stung us  in Singapore  from the start.  They seem to appear from everwhere as if they had a trail trekker.  They chased us down at all opportunity and we were eventually caught for the celebration.  What a long hunt it took.

Other worrying signals are the rate of simple mistakes committed, absence of speedsters, and moreso the lack of size as shown to us by defeats to Kenya and Samoa.  Their sheer speed and aggression contributed to victory over us.  It was like struggling through a Hurricane barrage.  We just could not counter-fire justifying Peni’s reasons.

But its reassuring that Nakarawa , Nayacalevu,  Pio Tuwai and Jasa Veremalua will be included.  Do not forget Masivesi and Nalaga.

Everyone gets older and slower but its a wonder that Oscar matches younger players taking considerable punishment during the IRB series.  He needs rest maybe the whole team too.

Go Fiji Go


Letters to the Editor

Tukai Lagonilakeba, Nadi

For many obvious reasons people will write to express their opinions in your letters to the editor column and from my view point they are;

1] Mainly because the Fiji Sun has a bigger circulation reach to the many readers throughout the country.

2] It is because you are giving the writer their freedom and the opportunity to express their feelings freely on certain issues they feel important about at national level or from a personal experience good or bad which they will want to share so that others may take some positives from in the process.

3] The letters must be simple, factual, well researched and sensibly easy to digest in order you get your message across to your audience through very simple English applications and terminologies making it easy for them to understand and enjoy reading it.

4] It is very important for writers to understand that if ones letter is put through a class room of 100 people there will also accordingly be 100 different interpretations to its meanings; it is simply because that is how they see it from their own perspective and it must be clear cut, constructive and relevant to the issue or point.


An advice to my fellow writers, please do not give up if your letter is not printed but keep writing, it will get printed one day.

Interestingly many readers from around the country tell me that they only buy the Fiji Sun to only read the front page, letters to the editor and the sports news because that kick starts their day.

As ardent critics, we provide a difference in views to your opinions column and your newspaper.

I would also like to one day see the Fiji Sun include a one page letters to the editor translation in the itaukei and Hindustan vernacular for the convenience of others; it will certainly make Fiji Sun more popular.

I am personally grateful to the sponsors from Courts mega store Fiji wide and to your news paper for the opportunity, the made in India Micromax phone is certainly a bonus.

Feedback:  jyotip@fijisun.com.fj


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