Best news I have ever read recently was the achievement by Adi Litia Matamalumu of Tavua District Secondary School.
She set a new benchmark for the Fiji Year 13 Certificate Examination 2023, by recording an impressive 382 out of 400, making it the highest for the school since 1998.
She scored – English 90, physics 97, chemistry 95, biology 91 and maths 100.
Adi Litia’s words in the media caught my eye when she thanked her parents: “You never failed in your role as parents.”
“I might not have the things that my other friends have but I’m thankful because I know some students wish for what I have.”
Anything is possible! To all the children in Fiji, if Adi Litia Matamalumu can do it, anyone can.
Congratulations, Adi Litia Matamalumu.