The subject of producing medicinal cannabis on a commercial scale has once again reared its ugly head for discussion.
The Minister for Trade, Co-operatives, Small & Medium Enterprise, Manoa Kamikamica, cautiously reopened the subject, which was left behind by the previous government.
Medicinal cannabis is a multi-billion-dollar industry worldwide and everyone seems to be bent upon cashing on it.
It certainly will be a big boost to the economic growth of the country. However, we should also understand the downside and devastating flow on effect of this industry.
It is highly addictive and will spread like a wildfire. Government has appointed a number of taskforce committees to look into the possibility of introducing this industry in Fiji.
From Fiji’s trek record of failures in controlling local marijuana, it is a tall order for the minister to claim for safeguards in its importation of seedlings, growing under secure conditions, processing and then exporting to global consuming centres.
In my view, this is a highly risk prone industry. Once the flood gates are open it will be impossible to arrest the spread.
No one can guarantee the safety of the local Fijian population.
In the name of human rights, they will also demand access to medicinal cannabis.
What will the government do then?
I do not doubt the high-end economic benefits of medicinal cannabis, however, we need to carry out research to find out the status of the countries where medicinal cannabis has been legalised.
I have seen the devastating effect of this in the United States of America. It will send shivers down your spine!
We would like to trust the judgment of our government in pursuing this venture.
Maybe the religious organisations need to do their homework and advise the government accordingly. I rest my case!