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Letters To The Editor, 10th April, 2016


Sky TV

Bob Kishore, Nakasi

A lot was promised and shrieked during the transition and transaction time by Digicel when acquiring Sky Pacific.

I ear wigged and expected the following from their announcements.


  1. Restoration of Spanish and Italian league
  2. Restoration of Champions and Europa League
  3. Restoration of Hindi Movie Channels


I even don’t mind paying the 15 per cent VAT if I can get the above.

To date I have seen none. I can’t understand anything currently being screened on TVWAN.

TVWAN sports are just highlights and news from sports which I can also see to FBCTV. I hope it’s not going to be from bad to worse.

Let us all hope and pray that it improves with the weather.


Just relax and have fun

Norman Yee , Nadi

It was heart-stopping watching our Vodafone Fijian 7s team play against Canada.

It gave me the feeling that they were too serious and hyped up about winning in Hong Kong and Rio.

Forget about the results, boys, just relax, toss the ball around and have fun like you used to.

The results will look after itself!

Go, Fiji go!


Mind Your Language

Floyd Robinson, Nasinu

It will be a super exciting weekend of rugby as national teams clash head to head at the ‘Mecca of Sevens’ rugby, the Hong Kong Sevens Tournament.

As usual emotions are likely to run high as fans have their views of favourite teams and players performances.

All in all, don’t forget to mind your language when watching those nerve wrecking matches, especially when innocent children and infants are around.

Meanwhile, I am looking forward to watching new movies like the Huntsman Winters War.

Also looking forward to updates from Luisa and Maxy on the movie ‘My Big Fat Greek Wedding’.



Narayan Reddy, Lautoka

Most market vendors in the Western Division have raised the price of fruits, root crops and vegetables.

Some vegetable prices were increased about 600 per cent, and believe me I am talking about old stock.

One heap of eggplant which was sold for $1 before is four dollars.

Long bean is $6, before the flood it used to be $1.

On the same note many shops will be selling damaged items and consumers better be on the lookout for those items because of warranty.

My advice, be careful of some traders who will try and make money in anyway they can!


Division of Earth

Lawrence Narayan, Suva

According to scientists, global warming is the result of large parts of oceans becoming warmer every year which is drastically affecting our natural habitat causing cyclones and other natural disasters.

Incidentally, the Bible teaches us that when God created the Earth it was “DRY LAND” with four rivers and small bodies of water called seas (Genesis 1:10).

The four large oceans were not part of the Creation act but because of sin, God sends the ‘Great Flood’ in Noah’s time. Sometime later He confuses the languages of the people who initially spoke only one language.

Then God splits the earth into seven separate continents that was previously one piece of land mass.

Both creationists and evolutionists agree that there was originally one super continent called Pangea. Here is a link that explains how the continents were formed after the Great Flood https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3HDb9Ijynfo

The Bible supports this view in Genesis 10:25 it states “Two sons were born to Eber, one was named Peleg because in his time the earth was divided.”

Peleg (which means divide) was born 100 years after the flood and lived for 239 years. The division of the earth is said to have taken place during Peleg’s lifetime.


Panama Paper leaks

Amenatave Yaconisau, Suva

The Panama Paper leaks  as reported by The Daily Mail, The Guardian , New York Times, Aljazeera, and Indian Express newspapers printed in the Fiji Sun 8/4/16 indicates the level of accountability of some world leaders.

It shows the murky world of tax evasion, money-laundering and corruption by top public officials. It involves top leaders, PMs, Presidents and their relatives amongst others.

Sukha Singh’s letter on the same is relevant.

I remember the submission of the military to the constitution committee that included a section on ethical conduct of public officers that aims to eradicate corruption of public officials.

That became section 149  more particularly section 149(f) of the constitution  where public officers and their direct relatives  are required to surrender all financial interest  annually to the Accountability and Transparency Commission and for such information to made accessible to the public.

It’s almost two years now that has not happened.  Animal farm gain?


2018 poll candidates

Savenaca Vakaliwaliwa, Canada

The media has reminded potential 2018 Election candidates of the 18-month residential requirement under the Constitution and Electoral Decree.

To qualify, one must be present and living in Fiji for no less than 18 months in the two year period which may possibly be calculated backwards from any date between April 6, 2018 and October 13, 2018.

I believe some election candidates were ruled out in the 2014 General Elections because of this rule.

Thank you media, and the Supervisor of Elections, Mohammed Saneem, for the timely reminder to all would-be 2018 election candidates.


Feedback:  jyotip@fijisun.com.fj

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