Channel: Letters – Fiji Sun
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Letter To The Editor, 26th, March, 2016


Rape sensitivities

Tukai Lagonilakeba, Nadi

I could not agree more with the Fiji Sun editorials and its many front page headlines on Mere Alievu’s brutally abused and violated body.

Thank you for freely doing the right thing by her family, you need not apologise to anybody for the words used. She was raped and with no respect for human life, she was brutally killed after the suspect or suspects had finished with her. What a disrespectful inhuman way to end a little girl’s innocent life.

The Old Testament [KJV] in the book of Leviticus chapter 3, it teaches us a Law of Moses which is still used and observed in some parts of the world today – “An eye for an eye or a tooth for a tooth”, which simply translates to, “you kill rape and sodomise my child”. I have all the right to do the same to you, but this must be done publicly and it may be a deterrent.

Our 2013 Constitution does not allow for the guillotine or the hangman. I would like to ask Government to remove any pornographic site from the internet hub in Fiji.

This may be a start and perhaps the laws should be changed to allow the immediate families of the victim to dish the perpetrator the necessary punishment.

The Bible does not allow that people must die in that manner.

It is ungodly, unchristian and so very wrong, what a horrific way to end an innocent little girls life.

I would like to ask the relatives of all those missing men from the Vunibuabua and the Lepanoni settlement’s next to Pacific Harbour to call COMPOL and report their man or boy’s missing from their respective homes since the incident so they can be apprehended and be dealt with accordingly.

This unthinkable and outrageous crime is insane and violent, but one question has just come to mind, what if the culprit is caught in the act of rape?

Why can’t the relative of the girl in his defence to save and protect the victim ended up killing the idiot? Will the law protect the girl and her relative or the dead animal?

Morally wrong!


Sinless life

Savenaca Vakaliwaliwa, Canada

As we enjoy the Easter break, we must not be misled into focusing alone on Christ’s death and resurrection.

In order for His rescue mission to succeed, an important factor had to be fulfilled and that is Him living a sinless life.

Human sin was temporarily forgiven when the sinner brought in a sacrifice that was without blemish to die on his behalf, a sinless dying for a sinner.

Jesus lived a sinless life and His sacrificial death on our behalf was accepted by Heaven, resulting in the resurrection.

If Jesus died with one sin in His life, His mission would have failed, He would not have been resurrected and our very existence ends when we exit this life.

Let us not deceive ourselves by trying to show how deeply moved we are in Christ’s death on our behalf and His resurrection, but after this Easter break, walk contrary to the way Jesus walked on earth.


A meaty weekend

Floyd Robinson , Nasinu

With electricity cuts anticipated over the long Easter weekend, one can expect households to bring out meat from the fridge and prepare meals.

With electric cuts, there are threats of meat going off, because bacteria would be quick to work.

As we prepare for more sources of light let’s watch the diet because one can expect a meaty weekend.


Power on

Wise Muavono , Lautoka

After five weeks of living without power, Tuvu was finally reconnected to the FEA grid.

Two residence named “Dragon’s Cave” and the “Owl’s Perch” have grown accustomed to the dark that now the bright lights blind their eyes.

I hear that they now can mix their favourite beverage with their eyes closed. De ninja!


Bank cards

Sukha Singh , Labasa

How does it feel when you surrender your bank card to a money lender?

Could someone clarify the interest rates? Are they weekly interest rates or annually?

I hope no one sues anyone.


Holi and Easter

Ashneel J Prasad , New  Zealand

Do you know why we put colours on people on Holi? It is because, when we put colour on people’s face, they become unrecognisable, looks the same as person next to them.

We all become one. That’s how it should be. We all have the same rights, and should be given the same privileges.

No one should be classified as a second rate citizen.

Holi symbolises the victory of good over evil. Wishing everyone a happy Holi!

When Jesus was crucified, do you know what colour of blood was he bleeding? Red. Even Jesus taught us, we all are the same. We all bleed red.

If a God doesn’t discriminate, then who are we to discriminate others in his name?

Easter is not just a time for the long weekend; it’s a time for reflection.

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