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Letters To The Editor, 9th, September,2016


Speeding thrills, but it kills!

Herleen Emily Kumar,  Nadi

Speeding thrills, but it kills!

A motion that keeps on driving me ahead on roads is that someday road offenders may realise their mistake and there may be a decrease in fatal accidents. However, I seem not to see any improvement on the road while traveling.

There may be a lot of awareness created in the society about safe driving but until and unless there aren’t more of policies and regulations implemented while driving, there will still be road offenders.

Nowadays, what has created space in the minds of many young drivers is that they are ‘’too good’’ on roads.

For others they may be drinking and driving or for some they may not be following the basic road safety rules.

This makes up the whole causes of fatal accidents in our country. It has not stopped since last year that we hear offenders repeat the same offenses while on the road.

At the end of the day, I just don’t understand why drivers do not follow simple basic road rules? Is it the LTA lacking it’s role or we as road uses cannot abide by law.

Is it because, many LTA officers have been in our favor for ignoring road offenders.

And is it; why it has become a road chain of offenders?

You think but the choice is yours. Act against corruption to end road offenders or act against both to eradicate fatal accidents in Fiji



Rabuka commended

Tukai Lagonilakeba ,  Nadi

Rightfully so, Sitiveni Rabuka must be commended for condemning those political party leaders in their not making a point to attend the Government organised celebrations of our Constitution Day at Albert Park on Wednesday.

Petty politics aside he responded positively to the invitation of our Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimarama to be part of the many invited present at the celebrations on the now newly refurbished Albert Park.

The former prime minister has paved the way showing maturity that he will rise above others in the national interest and do the right thing.

But Rabuka has stopped short to explain what really is wrong with our 2013 Constitution that he and other opposition political parties from the SODELPA, NFP and FLP have given it that name in opting for their preference of the 1997 Constitution.

The 1997 Constitution was rejected by the majority Fijians who voted against its two architects in the 1999 election Sitiveni Rabuka of the Soqosoqo ni Vakavulewa ni Taukei (SVT) and Jai Ram Reddy from the National Federation Party where as our world acclaimed 2013 Constitution was overwhelmingly given the thumps up by majority Fijians in a one sided landslide elections victory by the ruling FijiFirst Party in our democratic elections of September 17, 2014.

Our 2013 Constitution must be given every opportunity and supported by all Fijians to ensure it delivers on its entirety to benefit everyone who calls Fiji their home.



Time for a change

Kata Boni , 


“The difference is clear”. Can there be more interesting programmes on FBC TV? Time for a change!



Schools under investigation

Simon Hazelman,

It comes as no surprise that schools are now under investigation by Fiji Independent Commission Against Corruption (FICAC) for financial misuse (FS: 07/09).

I believe such corrupt practices are rife especially that Government is now subsidising free education.

This was to be expected following FijiFirst’s free education policy.

It’s one thing to hand out funds but it’s a great deal more challenging to monitor the proper management of these funds at all schools Fiji wide.

Obviously this issue is caused by a weak financial management system.

Those under investigation must immediately be removed from the schools until investigations are complete and if found guilty they must be charged heavily.

These corrupt people are simply the enemy of our development and of good governance.

This must be dealt with and gotten rid of fast!



Library week

Kirti Patel ,

This week is ‘’National Library Week’’ therefore I would like to elaborate a bit on it. National Library week is a time to celebrate the contributions of our nation’s libraries and library workers and to promote library use and support.

The theme for this year’s national library week is “Libraries Transform.’’

Libraries are trusted places where everyone in the community can gather to reconnect and re-engage with each other to enrich and shape the community and address local issues.

While we have some people turning towards reading online, the actual benefits of reading directly prevails. We still have people looking for libraries for reading and researching.

– Library is a very essential place. Library is where one get’s answers to their curiosity.

– Library is where one’s knowledge is enhanced.

– Library is where members of the community meet to discuss, read and share ideas and knowledge.

– Library is full of resources that can broaden one’s horizons.

– Library is the key component that opens its doors for many purposes.

– Library is where many lives are transformed.

– Library is where impossible can become possible.


Library is a very important and powerful place where knowledge can be gained, the knowledge that will always be with us.

Therefore I urge you all to make the most of your library and gain the power of knowledge as it’s the most powerful tool one can have.

Please read as much as you can as reading will help you all benefit in many ways.

One just has to go to the library to realise how the ‘’Libraries Transform.’’

No doubt, there will be library week celebrations around the country and schools as well. Most of the schools have decided to merge the Suicide Day with library week programme or celebration on Friday.

I hope if possible, everyone partakes in this event also to make use of their nearest library to read as well as acknowledge the place, staff and resources.

Taking this opportunity, I would like to thank all the Librarians and assistant librarians around the country. This is your week to shine.

Thank you for your contributions all this while.



Bull rush complaints

Savenaca Vakaliwaliwa,
Delta, BC, Canada

A big “sa malo” to Naisa Tuinaceva, the chief executive  officer of the Land Transport Authority and I believe in all what he said in his response as true (FS 8/9).

As he mentioned, the LTA is surely doing a fantastic work and one or two rotten apples does not affect the work performance of the other hard working staff.

However, he had responded in the other daily that LTA is also concerned with the bull rush at the Suva-Nausori minibus stand on Rodwell Rd at the back of New World Supermarket.

His response seems to indicate a verbal assurance only and since the bull rush issue during peak hours has been raised a number of times, the LTA should do something concrete now, instead of just giving verbal assurance.

Last time I was in the LTA office at Valelevu, I was just amazed how it has been transformed, as I was one of the Department of Road Transport staff when it opened in 1980.

I am sure that the same orderly system that one has to follow when doing one’s business in the LTA office, could be extended and copied at the Suva-Nausori minibus stand during peak hours.

But this time, could one or two LTA Officers be actually present so that we do not read of any more bull rush complaints ever again.

 Feedback: jyotip@fijisun.com.fj


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