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Letters To The Editor, 9th, July 2016


Carton doormats

Satish Nakched, Suva

During the wet weather some retails outlets including the big supermarkets attempt to keep their shops clean by placing used flattened cartons at the shop entrance as door mats.

This keeps the dirt, water and other form of pollutant from spreading to other parts of the business.

Shoppers, when entering, are required to use these carton doormats to clean the soles of their footwear. The heavy usage of the door mats allows the water and the moisture to penetrate the cartons and temporarily provides friction and secures the carton to the floor tile.

I believe the problem arises when the cartons tend to lose the moisture contents and dries off quickly. When this occurs the grip disappears and the carton becomes very slippery and this can lead to a person falling.

Apart from the carton doormat the other hazards like the door steps during the fall can be dangerous also. The business owners must refrain from this practise and must use proper anti-slip door mats to ensure that anyone who enters their premises are safe and without risk.

A good quality doormat can trap and hold dirt and allergens, preventing their spread to the rest of the building.

Additionally a proper floor mat is slip resistant and can prevent employees and the customers from slipping on lubricants or water thus preventing a fall. Should such slips and falls take place may result in liable damages.




Football commentary

Bimal Prasad, Nadi

I strongly suggest football commentators should stick to their core task of providing relays and not stretch beyond their work scope to provide personal opinions, which most times are being done to stir up an artificial atmosphere.

During the last day of Fiji FACT pool games, a commentator, while broadcasting the Suva-Nadroga game, questioned why Nadroga players were not running for the ball when Suva scored its third goal. This was followed by a quick blanket claim that he was not trying to prove any sinister motive but just saying what he saw in the game.

This sounded more like a nonsense remark, which did not surprise me at all because this commentator has an impressive record of brazenly incriminating crucial matches during tournaments and insinuating sinister motives.

Nadroga’s tournament performance trends over the last few years made no sense to this commentator, as they have a track record of great game performance during opening stages only to eventually fizzle out during the later stages especially when they play against an experienced side.

I hail his co-commentator who immediately cut this nonsense short and provided sensible explanation that the young and mostly new Nadroga players were subject to fatigue, which indeed has been their common trend in as many tournaments, if I can recall, in last couple of years.

Furthermore, the commentator raised concerns early during the Nadi-Rewa match when he questioned why Antonio Tuivuna did not score when he had a good chance, and rather chose to shoot over the empty goal mouth.

Typically, this commentator safeguarded his liability by claiming he was not trying to say something was wrong! Whatever his personal feelings are, it was definitely outsmarted when the same player successfully scored a goal later in the game.

Apart from the above, I have noticed commentators patronising certain teams (but claim otherwise) and lamenting on their losses or exit from tournaments by blaming referees or by insinuating match fixing by other teams.

They hold power on air, as they practically don’t have live opposition. The nation listens to them and virtually no one is, and never will be, around to debate on air.

Interestingly, as some commentators speak out controversy, a common tag is to claim “I am not saying anything”.

Such absurdity from commentators is enough to create an artificial world of suspicion amongst soccer fans, and recent social media postings bear testimony!

Perhaps it’s high time our commentators streamline themselves and simply concentrate on what work they are meant to do.

I am not saying anything, but just writing what I hear and analyse!




Rabuka no threat

Amenatave Yaconisau, Suva

I refer to your headline titled ‘ Rabuka no threat-PM’ where the PM responded to Sitiveni Rabuka’s appointment as leader of the SODELPA party.

It reminds me of David when he was challenged by the Phillistians in 1 Samuell 17(45-47), he only boasted the name of the Lord.

Let’s give him a chance. We don’t have to give him a yellow uniform. I know he is not aspiring to privilege and dignity, but to serve. Maybe he is ‘unknown’ and usurped a place he didn’t deserve. But if he is called like Paul no one can stop it.

Paul said in his letter to the Romans 2 ‘How can you be censorious about your fellow men’. You do exactly the same.



New channels

Shad Alfaz Ali, Navua

I would like to thank Sky Pacific for introducing Discovery, Fight Sports and B4U Movie channels in addition to the wrestling programme.

Thank you Sky Pacific for putting your customer’s interest at the forefront of your business. Vinaka.



Social media trials

Ashneel J Prasad, NZ

I find it utterly distasteful that pictures of accused of any court case are circulated within the social media sites well before the judge conveys the sentence.

The social media sites and commentators are quick to convict their judgement without knowing if the person is question is even guilty. The harsh comments, the morphing of the pictures and the vile words used against are disturbing.

I have seen numerous cases being brought to order on the social media sites on which later the accused turns out to be innocent.

I urge authorities and the penal code of Fiji to put a restraining order that until a verdict is out, the identity of any accused be subjected to anonymity and shouldn’t be released on any social media sites.

We are not the judge to judge anyone, let the ‘Judge’ judge them.




Food cost, crime rate

Frank Shaw, Lami

The cost of root crops and vegetables in the market generally increases after a cyclone or other natural disaster strikes.

However, people should not use this as an excuse to set a high price for their produce indefinitely.

Government should appoint a modulator to ensure that shoppers are charged a reasonable price for the vegetables, etc. they buy in the market.

The possibility of reducing (or waiving) stall fees for a period of time to enable vendors to stabilise their price should also be considered.

A sudden increase in cost of goods and services will contribute to poverty and an increase in crime rate. Poverty breeds crime.

So to alleviate poverty (and reduce crime rate) it is imperative that the price of food items at least are kept at a reasonable level.

A spiritual question

Floyd Robinson, Nasinu

Why is it that as boys and girls grow up, the women appear more spiritually focused in their lifestyles?

Somehow men generally appear more interested in fame, power, sports, and consumption of alcohol, parties and martial arts.

Some men tend to associate humility which is at the cornerstone of most faiths, as an indication of weakness.

Generally speaking, men tend to be attracted to glory, attaining more riches and romancing women. In summary, men and women are different in many ways and this includes their attitude towards their spirituality.

For some, the spiritual question is complicated. For others it is not complicated.



Dialysis allocation

Rakesh Chandra, Nadawa

$9 million is being allocated for a golf tournament, $2.5 million for a two hour Super Rugby match, but only $300,000 for kidney dialysis support?

If that is the way intellectuals and toppers think, I’m better off being a dumber.



False preachers

Lawrence H Narayan, Suva

Recently some local Christians have come out openly claiming to have had visions from God.

However, God had forewarned believers that there will always be false teachers among us so we must test whether such revelations are actually from God.

Hebrews 1:1-2, Says, “God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers (our ancestors) by the Prophets, hath in these last days spoken unto us by His Son.” Son in the Bible refers to Jesus Christ who is the Word of God (John 1:1).

This and many other passages of scripture including the Book of Revelation teaches us that while the Bible was being completed, God sent His true prophets with His Word to lead the people. When the Bible was completed, there was no longer any need for God to speak through visions and dreams.

God’s Holy Spirit will never lead anyone contrary to the revealed will of God. This is our safeguard against heresies and false prophets who claim to have received private revelations from God.

The Bible is all we need in every matter of faith, sound doctrine, and spiritual guidance. So Christians be careful of pastors, teachers and preachers who teach you doctrines contrary to the Word of God.

Feedback:  jyotip@fijisun.com.fj


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