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Letters To The Editor, 29th, June, 2016


Will not back down

Simon Hazelman, Savusavu

Sitiveni Rabuka’s comments that he will not back down from disgruntled SODELPA members is a clear indication of his state of mind!

First it’s ‘forgive me, and now it’s ‘get out of my way’! Both my hands are up, both holding red flags!

To forgive and forget in Fiji is a cliché we all know quite well. How can we ever forget the atrocities that Rabuka dealt to the nation?

It’s not something we can just dump out of our head but something that the majority will never completely forget no matter how forgiving we are!

A past that is better forgotten has now revisited! Indeed a scary realisation!



Give Rabuka a break!

Savenaca Vakaliwaliwa, Canada

SODELPA has chosen former Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka as its new party leader and despite his history that we all know, our law allows him to stand for election and participate in politics.

When confirmed in his new position, he presented a tabua, seeking forgiveness and support from his SODELPA members and I believe it was accepted, therefore he deserves a break, to do what he is capable of doing, which got him the nod over other capable leaders.

I believe that we Fijians do not want any more coups, as we have seen that it only takes our nation and economy backwards, turning the lives of ordinary Fijians living below the poverty line into a constant struggle.

Current PM Bainimarama has been branded a coup leader for his part in the 2006 Clean-Up Campaign, but the landslide victory he got in the 2014 General Elections and all the current praises from all Fijians affected by his Governments developments and leadership, kind of relays a message that even coup leaders can turn the nation around to prosperity.

We all know of Rabuka’s leadership qualities and with the right qualified people around him, he could be the answer to the prayers of the Opposition parties, as the weapon to defeat the FijiFirst party come the 2018 General Elections.

We all make mistakes and when forgiven, we will want to do what is right, and in Rabuka’s case, to lead his party and if voted into power, to make amends, build the nation and add value to the lives of Fijians exceeding what we are currently enjoying.

Let us give Rabuka a break at the end of the day, it is the people who will choose whom they want to lead and continue moving the nation forward.



The SODELPA dream

Timoci Gaunavinaka, Nausori

SODELPA members have every right to choose their own leader but their decision will reflect so much about their party’s true stand.

From all their tens of thousands of dedicated members, they choose to bring back a man who is tainted with various scandals, corruptions and even an attempt to overthrow the current PM as military commander.

This same man, although a commoner was elevated to become the chairman of the Great Council of Chiefs (GCC) via the support of some high ranking chiefs.

These same high chiefs were listed by the Review Magazine for making unsecured and unpaid loans in tens of millions of dollars resulting in the collapse of the National Bank of Fiji.

If this man can collapse the National Bank of Fiji under his government, imagine what he can collapse from the great work the Bainimarama Government has built.

Is SODELPA so deficient of capable leaders that they choose to bring back this tainted man to be their leader? Fiji First may not need to compete against SODELPA in the next elections. The way SODELPA is going now, it appears they will just self-destruct before 2018.

SODELPA is a party of dreamers. A couple of years before the election, a senior member dreamed about a tsunami that never came. Leading up to the election they dreamed about an election victory that never materialised. Then they made a fool of themselves complaining that the election was rigged because the result did not agree with their dreams.

In Parliament they again dreamed about a successful vote of no confidence on the Prime Minister that eventually backfired and made them a laughing stock. Now they choose one of Fiji’s most disliked former PMs to be their leader again dreaming that he will lead them to victory.

To achieve a positive outcome in anything, first you must do the positive hard work. SODELPA choose to do all the negative work and making negative decisions then they pray to God hoping for a divine positive outcome.

FijiFirst does not dream.

They carefully plan and work hard to achieve the best they can do for our people and God’s blessing will just automatically come.



Other races

Sachida Rao, Nausori

The 2013 Constitution has given equality for all the citizens of Fiji. Thanks to the Bainimarama Government.

On the contrary, I am shocked to hear from a former prime minister boldly talking about other races and their co-existence. I thought we were all Fijian now.



Lionel Messi and soccer

Ashneel J Prasad, New Zealand

Lionel Messi retires from international soccer at age 29.

In Fiji, many footballers’ run begins at 29 after sitting on the bench for years. That’s the difference between international soccer and Fiji soccer standards. If someone has a talent at age 14, they should play. If someone has a talent at the age 40, they should also play; talent over reservation.



Canned tuna

Narayan Reddy, Lautoka

A special brand of canned tuna is made for export only in Levuka.

I was lucky when a few tins of that tuna were given to me by a good friend. I’m just wondering why a locally manufactured tuna product is not sold in our Fijian market. So much for buy Fijian Made products!


Handicap user-friendly

Neelz Singh, Lami

A lot has been said about our fellow friends who are handicapped or people who are disabled; even thanking the Government of the day for their input and giving a lot of incentives programmes in the budget allocations and allowing employers to employ them.

Now we should consider the transportation and improving or accessing means to getting there. Sometimes they don’t like people to assist them in anyway and like to do things for themselves. Public Service Vehicles should have wider doors; lift steps, wider space to move and access to seats all in a comfortable manner, bus shelters with signs and light so they can feel free to live a normal life like everyone else.

Not only in public places but malls, supermarkets, entertainment malls, cafes, counters designed in such a way so they feel welcome, that suite our handicapped and disabled brothers and sisters.

We all have equal rights as humans. Vinaka



Corporal punishment

Wise Muavono, Lautoka

Some believe that classroom behaviour had deteriorated since the abolition of corporal punishment and the education system would only improve with its re-introduction.

It is inevitable that bad classroom behaviour will filter into life outside school. What do you believe Minister for Education Mahendra Reddy?

Feedback:  jyotip@fijisun.com.fj


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